Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A collection of curiosities from the Sterling Morton Library

Stop by the Sterling Morton Library to view a special display highlighting some of the more unusual aspects of our collections.
  • Curious about the oldest book in the Library’s collection? Feast your eyes on our copy of Pliny’s Historia Naturalis published in 1481. (Published in Parma, Italy – 11 years before Columbus encountered America.)
  • Ever wonder what else we have in the Library besides books? Take a gander at selections from our collection of butterflies and moths created by naturalist, Sherman Denton, in 1895.
  • Have you heard of David Fairchild, noted botanist and plant explorer? In preparation for a 1946 lecture in Palm Beach, Florida, he wrote his lecture notes on a sea grape leaf. Stop by to view the actual leaf ... and decipher his remarks!

    There are a host of other curious and unique items in this display selected to amuse, intrigue and inform visitors at the recent Open House. Like all good things – the opportunity to view these resources will soon be coming to an end. Stop by the Library before Thursday (July 2nd) afternoon to view these treasures

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